25 Januari 2013

s m o k e

Happy new year all.. and this is my first post i wrote on this year. Hehehe..
Actually, im so happy when i read on kompas.com about public health insurance (http://health.kompas.com/read/2013/01/25/07434441/Perokok.Tidak.Ditanggung) and i’m absolutely agree with our health ministry Nafsiah Mboi, who have plan to not cover patient who sick caused by smoking

Some people said that our ministry have not ethics, but if we see from law perspective (by UU BPJS 24/2011) there is no discrimination on giving health care,  its mean, people either the person smoke or not, they can receive health care, this is should differentiate between public insurance and private. On implementation, im totally understand that smoke can overburden our public health insurance, thats why we must focus on preventive, which i know (on theory) its cheaper than we must to treat. This is about policy to raise awareness not to sour smokers or people who are not. Related to policy to raise awarness to stop or not smoking (smoking cesseation effort), i think that health care for smoker, must be followed by conditional, they must take “stop smoking” program.
But it’s just my opinion. How about yours?